Lesson 6 Naked boys were swimming in the river. He narrated the events of yesterday. You were naughty today. The teacher punished the naughty girl. Her dress matched the color of her eyes. Her brown purse matches her shoes. She purchased a new dress. There aren’t any pyramids in that country. He reacted to my question with surprise. Several children recited poems. I don’t recollect you. I cannot recollect his name. There was a dead silence. No one said a word. His signature is difficult to read. He knew the significance of what he said. He wants to slay his father’s murderer. He slew his enemy. There are 20 cups of coffee in this urn. The usher found seats for us. He ushered us to our seats. She gave us a vague answer. We return home by car. We meet him on his return from school. She was vague about the date of her return. I confess I don’t like this city. He confides in his wife. We confide in our friends. We heard the siren of a police car. She wore a black silk dress. He risked his life to save the child. The dog roamed the fields.